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Capture the air you needto blow up your career

Our Services

June Balloon Entertainment is a full service music and fashion promotions company based out of Queens, New York. The C.E.O. of June Balloon Entertainment, Fritz Pierre, Jr., professionally known as “June Balloon” is a 30 year plus music industry vet. June Balloon Entertainment was created to be a liaison between people and brands who otherwise might not have connections to the influencers in their industry and heavy hitters in the industry.  When you become a client of June Balloon Entertainment you become a strategic partner with a company that is highly connected and well respected. If you have been dealing with fast talking, over promising , under performing, unverifiable shady characters we feel your pain. If you’re ready to work with a company that is reputable and recognizable then look no further. Please look around the rest of the website to  learn how June Balloon Entertainment can help “blow your career up” the right way!

Brand Ambassador

Do you need a legit brand ambassador? Let June Balloon Entertainment represent your brand in a positive light. When you hire June Balloon Entertainment we will strategically help raise brand awareness and provide potential customers with a memorable face-to-face experience. In other words, as your  brand ambassadors June Balloon Entertainment will  add not only professional credibility but an emotional emphasis and connection to your product to increase sales.

Product Placement

Product placement can be a powerful tool. Hip Hop acts are known for unknowingly placing products in different forms of media with no direct benefit to the artist. Product placement can be very lucrative. For example in the 1997 Notorious B.I.G music video “More Money More Problems” P. Diddy and Mase wore a particular brand of hats. The very next week that hat company posted profit gains in the THOUSANDS!  Product placement or  embedded marketing, is a marketing technique where references to specific brands or products are incorporated into another work, such as a film or television program, with specific promotional intent. Let June Balloon Entertainment properly place your product to produce powerful profits!

Record Promotion

June Balloon Entertainment has had success at every level of the industry. We understand how much time, effort and money that you have put into your art. When you make hits and hire unreputable people to promote your music it’s the same as buying a new Bentley and using second rate insurance. June Balloon and his team have a successful record with some of the biggest acts in hip hop as well as some of the hottest current up and coming acts. There are definitely some  shady people in the industry who will flat out cheat you or over promise and under deliver. When you work with June Balloon Entertainment you can rest easy and know with certainty that your music is in the repeatable hands of a company with an impeccable track record for doing clean and profitable business.


Even multi-platinum artists need to consult experts from time to time. Navigating the music and clothing industry can be a daunting task for even a seasoned vet. Even more so if you don’t have working industry knowledge. June Balloon Entertainment has you covered. When you purchase our consulting service you will get personalized attention to your product. You will get a HONEST and detailed analysis about where you are currently and the next logical steps for your success. By hiring June Balloon Entertainment you are instantly gaining over 30  years of verified industry insider knowledge and connections. Let June Balloon Entertainment cut your learning curve!


Even Fortune 500 companies like some of your favorite brands have to market and so do you! Let June Balloon Entertainment help you develop a marketing plan that is tailored to your needs. Here at June Balloon Entertainment we work to develop marketing plans for platinum artists and new artists just breaking onto the scene. However, when you become a June Balloon promo client you will be treated like you are already platinum! Don’t delay your success! Partner with June Balloon Entertainment today and start to reach your target market now!

Spotify Streaming Promotion

June Balloon Entertainment offers 100% authentic Spotify Streaming Promotions. We actually listen to your song, target playlists that are in your target market and build an algorithm created by top playlist curators  to maximize the streams for your single. June Balloon Entertainment never guarantees a minimum amount of streams and you should be weary of anyone who does! With that said, June Balloon Entertainment has worked with lots of artists on many levels that have seen their streaming numbers increase by 10, 20 and even a 100 fold! Do you have what it takes?

Branding Services

June Balloon Entertainment offers artists and brands of all sizes corporate branding services as an add on to our services. Whether you need to create from scratch or rebrand existing materials we have you covered! Do you need a professional written bio, a website or a press kit then look no further. When you work with June Balloon Entertainment our in-house team of professionals will work closely with you to create the corporate image that you are looking for and a look that will help increase your bottom line.

© June Balloon Entertainment, LLC 2022 | Site by Assemblage